Initiatives of Iizuka City

Iizuka City, Fukuoka Prefecture

Population: 128,184 (as of December 2019)
Symbiotic Society Host Town Registration: May 29, 2018
Certified as a Leading Symbiotic Society Host Town: August 2, 2019
Partner country: South Africa
Competition: Wheelchair tennis / Paralympic swimming competition
Panelist |

Koji Kajiwara
Administrative Management Department
Urban Facilities Development Promotion Office

Ryuta Matsuda
Business world such as the Olympics and Paralympics
Council WG③
Fujitsu Limited
Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Promotion Division
Senior Director

Saori Kajiwara
Iizuka City Handicapped
Welfare association
● Main speakers of the subcommittee
Panelist |
Other project members (Fujitsu, JTB, etc.)

"Iizuka International Wheelchair Tennis Tournament"
Aiming at a symposium as a leading symbiotic society host town
Iizuka City was registered as a host town in South Africa in January 2016 and a host town for symbiotic society in May 2018, and has been working to attract campsites for the Paralympic Games in 2020. Aiming at the 2020 Games, we are aiming for “realization of Iizuka that is kind to everyone”.
Iizuka City has been holding the annual Iizuka International Wheelchair Tennis Tournament since 1985, the world's highest wheelchair tennis tournament. This tournament is positioned as a super series following the world's four major tournaments, with top players from all over the world participating.In 2018, the tournament evolved into a tournament in which the Emperor's Cup and the Empress's Cup were awarded. This tournament is operated by a total of more than 2,000 volunteers, including private companies, the SDF, students, and citizens, including transportation, ball persons, and interpreters. The operation method is called the “Iizuka method” and has received high praise from the world and is a symbol of the city's symbiotic society. Also, in October every year, many welfare-related organizations, etc. all over the city of Iizuka participate in the theme of "encounter, contact, and consideration", and "deepen mutual understanding and exchange" and "live together We hold “Gathering Health and Welfare for Everyone” with the aim of raising awareness of community-based welfare activities, and are focusing on raising awareness of the philosophy for realizing community development in a symbiotic society.

October 2019 `` Symbiotic Society Host Town @ Iizuka ''
Overview of initiatives announced at the symposium
In October 2019, the “Symbiotic Society Host Town Summit” was held in Iizuka City, with the participation of the Minister of Affairs for Olimpala, the registered local governments for the symbiotic society, the general public, and persons involved in welfare facilities for the disabled. Based on the action plan formulated by the city, the “Symbiotic Society Host Town Summit” is based on the action plan of Iizuka City, which is `` friendly and warm to people with disabilities, foreigners, the elderly, children, and all. With the aim of realizing Iizuka, the event was also held as an awareness-raising project that led to the creation of a nationwide symbiotic society. A keynote speech by Paralympians and a panel discussion on promoting universal tourism with the theme of “Barrier-free Walking Inspection” introduced at this symposium were held.
In September 2019, the `` Barrier-free Town Walking Inspection '' was launched in September 2019 to create a mobile environment that is friendly to the elderly and people with disabilities. We walked around Shin-Iizuka Station, which is the city's traffic junction, and around Iizuka Station, along with tennis-related personnel, and conducted barrier-free inspections. Based on the inspection results, we will identify issues and problems at undeveloped locations and reflect them in future maintenance plans. At the same time as the Host Town Summit for Symbiotic Society, we held a `` Gathering for Everyone's Health and Welfare '' with the participation of many welfare-related organizations from all over Iizuka City, with the theme of `` Meeting, Contact, and Compassion, '' to realize a community-friendly society. Awareness of the philosophy for the participants and raise awareness of the participants.
Future development
Iizuka City, as a host town for a symbiotic society, is active in both “universal design urban development” and “mind barrier-free”. Creating a city with universal design involves creating sports facilities that can be enjoyed by people with or without disabilities, promoting universal tourism, and creating a town where everyone can feel comfortable. Specifically, we have improved the area around Iizuka Station from the perspective of people with disabilities, and redeveloped the facilities, including sports facilities, which are also venues for wheelchair tennis tournaments, including barrier-free facilities.
In addition, support for the Tokyo Paralympic Games in South Africa pre-camp and training for the next generation of volunteers utilizing the experience of the Iizuka method cultivated at the Iizuka International Wheelchair Tennis Tournament. We aim to revitalize the region through parasports, such as passing it on to future generations as a legacy.
By promoting initiatives for a symbiotic society at all offices, and raising the awareness of each and every staff member, we will work to promote citizens' understanding and raise awareness of the realization of Iizuka that is kind to everyone.
September 2019 `` Barrier-free town walk inspection ''