Works by Hackathon for the development disability "Hattatsuthon 2019" and a communication robot "OriHime" | QR Translator

Works by Hackathon for the development disability "Hattatsuthon 2019" and a communication robot "OriHime"


Product Summary:
Hattatsuthon 2019 is a hackathon that aims to solve problems among people with developmental disability using technologies. For example the following apps have been developed there: an enterprise tool that manages a worker's concentration and amount of work, an app that advises today's condition from past life logs and a web service that helps re-discovering an user him/herself.
OriHime, an avatar robot, allows people who are not able to be there in person, because of their life, work, hospitalization or physical disability, to be close by creating a feeling of "presence".

Name of exhibitor: Ledesone
Hirokawa Okawa