Utilizing IoT to help bus passengers
We at Kobe Digital Labratories have devised a way to utilize smartphones (either visually or via voice control) to help push the buttons on buses to signal when you're getting off at the next stop.
Using an IoT device called "Switch Bot," which allows you to operate traditional buttons online, you can use smartphone apps or talk to Google Assistant to help push the "request stop" buttons on buses.
Company URL: https://www.kdl.co.jp/
Name of exhibitor: Kobe Digital Lab., Ltd.
Product PR video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6ILQKzHBfA&feature=youtu.be
Contact: muraoka@kdl.co.jp
No.72 Kyocho, Chuo Ward, Kobe City 650-0034, New Crescent Building Masakazu Muraoka